The abominations cannot stand the fact the Creator did not pick them.  The alternative religions, philosophies, mind sets, etc., therefore, provide a pretended means of “equalizing” the playing field.  They all fall into a generalized category known as “another gospel”, which is “accursed”.  That is what practically everyone has today, “another gospel”, and they are indeed “accursed”, at least according to Scripture.  Yes, Christianity, Hebrew Roots, Sacred Name, Judaism, Islam, and obviously every non-Abrahamic faith as well, practically everyone is accursed.  As in Noah’s day, a few does mean “few”.  When ROME took the Scriptures and developed a religion which would authorize them to take over the world, the “man of sin” of 2 Thes. 2 became part of that development.  He sits in the “temple” of many today.  The temple is the body/mind.  They are indeed defiled.  ROME and her daughters pretend themselves to be the “great mountain” of Daniyl 2 in the process of encompassing the entire globe.  An event which is to manifest very soon, with the Second Advent … which some claim they are about to fake.  Just be warned, there is NO global government promised in the Bible, except the REAL ONE.  Those of the erroneous ‘futurist’ school of prophecy interpretation, (developed by Rome Jesuits), be careful who you fight against.

The Scriptures are written to a particular race of people.  This race migrated into Europe, and from there around the world, and developed the multitude of nations promised to the “chosen race”, the “Holy Seed”.  It was THIS PEOPLE that are written to and about.  Yahshua Messiah, John, Paul, Peter, and etc. warned of a specific false messiah that would be a curse from Yahweh upon this rebellious “chosen race”.  They are not specifically warning of what would effect East Asia, or darkest Africa, as the Bible was not addressing those races.  Paul even told the chosen race the translation of the false messiah’s name in Acts 13.  He told you of the “another” messiah, the “another spirit”, and the “another gospel” that would defile, doom, and curse this chosen race, 2 Cor. 11:4.  Yahshua, through John, tells you the actual name of the false messiah, Rev. 13:17-18, and John also tells you characteristic doctrines that manifest in people with the spirit of “antimessiah”.  BUT, what is amazing to me is the translators tell you that the false messiah that would plague the people of the promises, the chosen race, is an “interpretation” of the real Messiah Yahshua … and no one seems to care or listen, John 1:41.

Paul tells you there is ONE TYPE of FLESH of MAN, 1 Cor. 15:39.  Take a look at any good anthropology book for the different types of flesh that is ERRONEOUSLY CALLED “man”, when the Scriptures are specific as to the various types, and that they are NOT to be mixed.  Anything not “kind after kind”, is an abomination.  You would dare sit there, claim those “nothing” races can be “saved”, include them into your “flock”, and thereby pretend to justify their intermarriage with the “chosen race”, and defile the “holy seed” thereby?  YOU are promoting “another gospel”, and your rhetoric pretending to justify such will automatically proclaim “another” messiah.  For the True Messiah Yahshua told all who HE came to redeem.

Why this was done is simple … there is a war you can read about in the older posts on this site, “Glad Tidings of the Kingdom”.  However, in the attached article below, I simply repost this CAIN RELIGION expose’, as it has been missed by several contacting me.  Please consider it carefully in site of all the talk of “transhumanism”, “fallen angels mixing with men” and the like, because the REAL THREAT AND WAR is much closer to home than those extravagant examples.  Noah was picked to survive because, for one, his pedigree was not mixed.  Not mixed with fallen angels only??  Oh no dear reader.  He was not mixed with other races either.  And at this late hour take a look around you.  See what is in every television show, movie, advertisement, and agenda of the church.  See what they stress to you: “MIX THE RACES!”, “I long for the day when all of mankind are a golden brown.” and the pulpits blaze their days of Noah rhetoric.  COME OUT NOW!

For printable PDF, or to read online CLICK >>> Cain Religion 8 5×11

10 thoughts on “CAIN RELIGION

  1. The temple in 2 Thess. 2:4 is a LITERAL temple. The third temple. Yahweh will command His chosen ONES Israel to return to their land and build Ezekiel’s temple in the latter days. Moses and Elijah are coming. Yahweh’s chosen ONES Israel will go back to Moses law and will start sacrificing animals again. The third temple will be destroyed on 9TH of Av. For the daily sacrifice to be taken away there’s gotta be a literal temple.

    May Yahweh bless you.


    • Nvd,
      You’re incorrect. The word used for a physical temple is “HIERON” (unless it is an idols temple, then “EIDOLEION”). WHEN PAUL IS SPEAKING OF THE SPIRITUAL TEMPLE, OUR BODY, HE ALWAYS USES THE TERM “NAOS”.
      The 2 Thess. temple is the body of an ISRAYLITE made for the presence of the SPIRIT of Yahweh. Instead of the True Spirit, the STRONG DELUSION of the false messiah, THE CURSE FROM YAHWEH, is in them. Christianity is what promotes that “ANOTHER”, that “MAN OF SIN” who’s name is “CHRIST”. When IMPERIAL ROME began their decline and Constantine took over, this is the hinderer was “taken out of the way”, and the beginnings of PAPAL ROME and its Babylonian solar deity “Christ” came forth and has since RULED IN THE TEMPLE of many an Israylite.
      WHY DID YAHWEH CAUSE THIS TO HAPPEN?? It is a CURSE for their love of unrighteousness … breaking Torah. Yes, the STRONG DELUSION of the False Messiah, Jesus Christ, packaged, formulated, and sold as if he were messiah IS THE MAN OF SIN SITTING IN THE TEMPLE EXALTED AS IT HE WERE YAHWEH.

      The dispensational futurism is a lie.


      • “Naos” is the “inner court” / sanctuary/the Holy of holies”. I believe the false messiah will sit in the Holy of holies as if he was Yahweh. ONLY Yahweh can be in the Holy of holies. (And the High priest may enter therein once a year.)

        Naos is a SPECIFIC part of the temple: the inner court/sanctuary/Holy of holies.

        Hieron is the ENTIRE TEMPLE/ the outer court.

        In Revelation 11:1-2 the word “naos” refers to the inner part of the temple where the ALTAR is.

        The word “naon” is used in Luke 1:9 and it is translated as “temple”. Looking at the context, this word refers to The Holy of holies because once a year the High priest would go into the Holy of holies to make atonement for the unintentional sins of the people, and Luke 1:10 says the people were praying outside. It was the day of Atonement.

        The second coming will come to pass on 10TH day of Tishri at 3PM in the year 2,000 from the first coming. Bless you.


      • Our position on the meaning of 2 Thess. 2 is certainly different. You believe a false messiah is coming … I believe he has come. Your position I would align to a structure connected with what is called “dispensational futurism”. If you scroll to the bottom of the site you will see a button for “OLDER POSTS”. Click that and read the article “SEALS OF REVELATION” and “TRUMPETS OF REVELATION” to perhaps understand better where I am coming from as to the time line and therefore one reason why I am rather emphatic on this point and to 2 Thes. 2 not being future, but not only past but still manifesting, as the man of sin still sits in many a temple and is exalted as if he were Yahweh. Paul’s use of “Naos” is referring to our body, the ‘temple’ of Yahweh. YOU agree only true Israyl can be the ‘TEMPLE’, and that is to whom Paul is writing … Israyl. So, the ‘temple’ that the ‘strong delusion’ can defile is ONLY ISRAYL within the context. He can’t be talking of a physical building. Yahweh does NOT dwell in temples made with hands. Consider the importance of these passages in the scope of our discussion:
        Mar_14:58  We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands.
        Act_7:48  Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,
        Act_17:24  Yahweh that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Master of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
        Act_19:26  Moreover ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands:
        2Co_5:1  For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of Yahweh, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
        Heb_9:11  But Messiah being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building;
        Heb_9:24  For Messiah is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of Yahweh for us:

        Yahweh will NEVER BE UPSET about a building that gets built and eventually has a bad guy sit in it and claim to be anything. BUT, the true temple he PROMISES to dwell in, OUR BODIES, can not only be defiled, but killed for being defiled. The great falling away has ALREADY HAPPENED CENTURIES AGO! The remnant of believers were surrounded by gnostics and various heathen belief structures which eventually amalgamated into christianity, becoming an extremely major force within EUROPE … the main homeland of true Israyl at the time. They brought forth their solar deity and presented him as the ‘christ’ that makes his abode in the adherents . They pretend to replace the true Messiah. The Israylite ‘temple’ is indeed defiled with this “another”, this “false messiah”. It is indeed offensive to Yahweh for this to be so, as He will not make His abode in us with such paganized filth in the ‘temple’ He WOULD dwell in … not made with hands. Remember too … an Israylite cannot just come out of the churches and false messiah cults and think Yahshua Messiah is a more correct form of the Messiah. THEY MUST BE CONVERTED from christianity! To be converted from it would require an acknowledgement of the erroneous elements of it … They should understand “jesus christ” IS the false messiah promised to plague TRUE ISRAYL.

        Well … it is truly a blessing to discuss these things with you. Please know one reading texts from a letter may get the wrong impression as facial expression, and tone of voice are not part of that media. Understand I have not said anything that should be construed to be an attack upon you. Let us both agree that in areas where we differ we are simply allowing iron to sharpen iron as we give our points and counter points.

        I see your email is a “.ru”. I assume you are in Russia perhaps?? Anyway, just suggest you look into the VIKINGS and their travels. I think some of the original Russians may have been of Israylite stock through the Vikings, if not more than that from the trek of Israyl through the Caspian Sea area.

        May you be blessed,


    • The MAN in Genesis 1:26 was NOT Adam. Adam is HALF the image of Yahweh. Eve is half the image of Yahweh. The MAN of Genesis 1:26 had MALE and FEMALE chromosomes. X and Y.
      Yahweh caused a deep sleep to fall upon the MAN and removed the FEMALE X chromosomes from the MAN to make Eve. This left Adam on the ground with MALE chromosomes. Yahshua had both male and female chromosomes. X and Y. 46 pairs of chromosomes. Yahshua was the SECOND MAN. The image of Yahweh is both male and female. The word translated as “rib” in the bible is a direct reference to DNA. Look it up. There are NO female angel. The abduction accounts is the angels trying to make a female angel so they can multiply. They know they are outnumber when the war in heaven takes place.
      At the resurrection of the Righteous man and woman will be put back together in ONE being with incorruptible flesh and blood body. Matt. 22:30

      Ezekiel chapter 40 -44 is still future. LAST generation.

      The POPE is just a distraction to keep people’s mind off the scripture.

      Rev. 8:1 perfectly agrees with Luke 1:10. The people praying.
      Rev. 8:3 The Angel is making atonement for the unintentional sins of the SAINTS.

      Daniel 8:14 the HEAVENLY sanctuary must be cleansed from the unintentional sins of the Saints.

      The unintentional sins of the Saints will be upon Satan. The scapegoat.

      Daniel 8:14 tells us three things:
      The day this scripture commences.
      The day and the month this scripture ends.
      AND the hour that this scriptures ends.
      The Book of Daniel is sealed until the time of the end. Daniel 12:4
      Rev. 10: 1-2 is the opening of the book of Daniel NOW unsealed.
      Rev. 10: 3-4. It is not necessary to write what the thunders said because it is WRITTEN in the beginning of the matter.
      Revelation 12:1 perfectly agrees with Genesis 37: 9 -10. Rev. 12 is the birthing of the 144,000 sons of Yahweh. These will do greater things than Yahshua did. John 14:12
      Rev. 7:8 is the fulfillment of Genesis 15:5.
      I believe the seven congregation are seven eras of Anointed Ones throughout history. it is my understanding that the congregation of Laodiceans will be formed in the last days. Rev. 3:20 Luke 12:36
      The calendar we are under is made by christians to Hide Yahweh’s creation calendar. Yahweh’s calendar is of 360 days in the year. Isaiah 38:8 was caused by a COMET. This event changed Yahweh’s creation calendar from 360 to 365 and 1/4 days.

      The comet “Wormwood” will put the earth back into its creation orbit.
      In the fourth trumpet 24 hours will become 16 hours. Rev. 8:12
      Rev. 11: 11-13 there must be a GREAT earthquake. The scriptures tells us what hour this earthquake comes to pass. THIS has NOT come to pass YET.

      There are two groups that will be taken to the 3rd heaven before the second coming: The 144,000 (The first fruits) and the Martyrs.

      The 144,000 will be taken to heaven on 16TH of Nissan and will come with Yahshua at His second coming. The slaughter of the martyrs and the sealing of the 144,000 will probably come to pass on Passover.

      I believe the reason why Moses and Elijah are called “the two witnesses” is because they were the two Angels that were in Yahshua’s tomb. They were the 2 witnesses of His transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension to heaven.

      These things have NOT come to pass YET.

      Daniel chapter 7 to 12 is ALL future. The third temple will be destroyed on 9TH of AV.

      Yahweh will first DRIVE the muslims, the jews and the christians OUT of His land.
      THEN Yahweh will call his chosen ones Israel home to their land to help build Ezekiel’s temple.
      The children of Israel in the flesh will go back to Moses law. Elijah is coming to turn the heart of the children to their Father. John the Baptist came to turn the heart of the Father to the children. Mal. 4:6

      AS you have blessed me so you shall be blessed.

      Bless you.


      • You say: “The MAN in Genesis 1:26 was NOT Adam.”
        I have heard a variety of opinions on this issue of a difference between this ‘man’ and that of chapter 2. All seem to have a problem when it comes to the fact, which is touched upon throughout the timeline of the chosen lineage, that of the fact in 1:28 the dominion mandate is granted to the “adam” of Gen. 1:26. Regardless of his physical / spiritual image at the time, it is HE that the lineage of the chosen seed is traced to. No other will do. His lineage inherits the promises and dominion mandate.

        Adam names the others in creation, including the other races, and as so doing he is looking for one like him … having his type of flesh and bone … finding none. THEN the rib is taken and THEN there is one like him … and for him. He says so. Says nothing of him changing in the mean time. Think about this carefully. Certainly, the DNA is a match. The chromosomes are split. The reason Eve (Chavah) is described as our mother. Gen_3:20 And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. All living does not mean all chickens, bugs, nor negros, hottentots, pygmies … but “men”, “ADAMITES”.

        Gen 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that Yahweh created man, in the likeness of Yahweh made he him;

        Jas 3:9 Therewith bless we Yahweh, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of Yahweh.
        SO WHICH IS IT?? Was only the first one, as you seem to be claiming, … or all Adamites? Col. 3:10, Ecc 7:29, Eph 4:24.
        AND …
        Paul declares … 1Co_15:39 All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is

        one kind of flesh of men,

        another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.

        ONE KIND OF “MEN”, not two (one in 1:26 and another in chapter 2). The other races are not ‘men’. And the lineage of Messiah goes to the MAN Adam, as does mine. Yahshua’s lineage goes through JOSEPH, as scripture declares 7 times. Continuing back to Abraham as well … for Heb. 2:14-16 says Yahshua had the Flesh, Blood, and >> NATURE << of Abraham's seed … The image of Yahweh flesh.

        You say: "Rev. 8:1 perfectly agrees with Luke 1:10. The people praying.
        Rev. 8:3 The Angel is making atonement for the unintentional sins of the SAINTS. "

        I have heard the silence in heaven for half an hour is proof there are no women in heaven, as many of them can't keep their mouth shut that long, :oP. But perhaps they were just messing around. Revelation is a symbolic writing specifically stating to "SHORTLY" begin to come to pass when John penned it … Not 2000 years later. That's Jesuit inspired furturism that places the seals trumpets and vials in a 7 or 3.5 year period. Look into HISTORICISM ESCHATOLOGY. The seventh seal is the seven trumpets. Done deals. All the seals and trumpets have already broken or blown respectively, as the articles on trumpets and seals in the 'older posts' section demonstrate. The seventh trumpet is the seven last vials. The first vial was the French Revolution. The kings of the East with Vial 6 have been running for over one hundred years now, and I suggest the final push will manifest with N. Korea and China. One could argue China is nearing its demise as their economy and banking system is actually in extreme trouble, therefore this might be a quickie. We are at the end of vial 6 or beginning of vial 7 and the final conflict is about to go global, bringing with it the Second Advent.

        You say: "Daniel 8:14 the HEAVENLY sanctuary must be cleansed from the unintentional sins of the Saints. "
        Ellen White was no prophetess, though she claimed it. She made similar claims. Daniel 8 is dealing with Antiochus Epiphanes and his four generals primarily. Past event. SEE THE BOOK I JUST POSTED FOR YOU ON THE SITE "2300-Day Prophecy of Daniel 8" as it is written with one holding your position in mind. You also may be interested in a book I just posted which I wrote about 25 to 30 years ago.

        As I mentioned in the articles in the OLDER POSTS … the ones I mentioned to you last time … WORMWOOD IS A PAST EVENT and relates specifically to Attila the Hun's invasion into Europe. The 144000 is spoken of in the articles as well, and the two witnesses. PAST EVENTS!

        Please consider the 2300-year book I posted FOR YOU.



  2. Rom. 4:1 Paul writing to the ROMANS he says: OUR forefather according to the FLESH.

    The Romans he was writing to had the BLOOD of Abraham in their veins so did the other congregations.

    It is very clear in the scriptures that Paul was sent to preach to the descendants of the lost ten tribes of Israel that were scattered among the Gentiles.

    Bless you.


    • Nvd,
      I would agree generally with your comment, but I would suggest a finer detail. Abraham’s blood was also in ESAU, and ALL the offspring of others from Abraham not from ISSAC. Paul SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES ALL OF THOSE NOT COMING FROM JACOB in Romans 9. Esau was ‘hated’. Abraham’s children of Katurah were given a gift and sent away … NOT INCLUDED IN THE ELECT.

      BUT, yes, Paul is only addressing physical genetic stock Israylites. The TRUE MESSIAH died for no others. It is “ANOTHER GOSPEL” that suggests otherwise.

      Just as a side note related point … the TRUE MESSIAH had to be of the FLESH, BLOOD, and NATURE of Abraham’s seed, Heb. 2:14-16. Something a virgin birth automatically rejects … for that nature is not what the pagan sun cult wants in their ‘christ’.


      • Only those who have the blood of Abraham in them and are born AGAIN and receive The Holy Spirit will be saved. Romans 9: 6-7

        Israel in the FLESH must be born again and grafted into born again Israel. Romans 11: 11-33 is the ONLY way of salvation.

        Ishmael had the blood of Abraham in him but he was not chosen by Yahweh to inherit the promise. Esau and Jacob had the same Father Isaac, YET Only Jacob was chosen by Yahweh. Jacob was born again and became Israel. Saul was born again and became PAUL. Salvation was only promised to born again Israel. Those who are not descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel have NO hope of salvation. Yahweh’s born again Saints are chosen before the foundation of the world and saved by GRACE. Yahshua died for the unintentional sins of His flock Israel.

        The Torah is the OLD covenant. Yahshua said: “it is finished”. Moses law finished. Old covenant.

        The New covenant is Yahweh writing His laws into the hearts of the born again SAINTS Israel. Hebrews 10:16

        We obey these laws through the Holy Spirit.

        Yahshua came to fulfill Moses law and the prophets. Matthew 5:17 There are still prophecies in Moses law yet to be fulfilled.

        I believe Passover has not been fully fulfilled. Yahweh’s LAMB died to give the SAINTS protection from the Angel of death. Rev. 6:8

        I believe today Yahweh is giving a GIFT to the people who are not part of Israel. Many will die without even knowing this truth. Many will die thinking “jesus christ” died for the their sins on a “cross”. The Mark of the beast is the “cross of jesus”. Yahweh let the christians ADD pagan words to the bible to keep His mysteries hidden from the world.

        The “world” in John 3:16 is Israel.

        In the country wherein I live, there might be just a FEW people who may be descendants of the Israelites. If one tells this truth in a christian church, the christian will HATE you for telling the truth.

        This world is upside down. The love we are taught is not the Love of Yahweh but of SATAN. Nearly everything I thought to be true turned out to be a great deception. I praise Yahweh for LETTING me know the truth.

        Bless you.


      • Only those who have the blood of Abraham in them and are born AGAIN and receive The Holy Spirit will be saved. Romans 9: 6-7

        Israel in the FLESH must be born again and grafted into born again Israel. Romans 11: 11-33 is the ONLY way of salvation.

        Ishmael had the blood of Abraham in him but he was not chosen by Yahweh to inherit the promise.
        Agreed! And would add that Ishmael miscegenated the seed line as well, which therefore by default excludes any of the offspring.

        Esau and Jacob had the same Father Isaac, YET Only Jacob was chosen by Yahweh. Jacob was born again and became Israel. Saul was born again and became PAUL. Salvation was only promised to born again Israel.

        Those who are not descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel have NO hope of salvation.
        Agreed! And Ephesians 2:12 specifically says just that. AND 2 Pet. 3:9, when rightly understood, is telling us Yahweh is willing that all outside the remnant perish … and they will. He’s not willing that ANY of the ELECT OF THE ISRAYLITE DISPERSION PERISH, and NONE WILL! … but that demands Yahweh IS WILLING that all the rest DO PERISH … and they will. TOTAL GRACE, unmerited favor, election of Yahweh. It is not His intent to save anyone other than those promised … as the “CAIN RELIGION” article brings out on or near the last page … who are indeed chosen before the world was.

        Yahweh’s born again Saints are chosen before the foundation of the world and saved by GRACE. Yahshua died for the unintentional sins of His flock Israel.
        Agreed! As a side issue, I suggest you look into the “el” spelling however. Perhaps start with this and understand “El” is the father of Baal, and is a demon. House of Israyl adopted the canaanite demons and these eventually migrated into the texts. While do NOT support the organization the put this out, the information on this particular issue is to be considered …
        Try to get to the bottom of page 7 for the “El” issue.

        The Torah is the OLD covenant. Yahshua said: “it is finished”. Moses law finished. Old covenant.

        The New covenant is Yahweh writing His laws into the hearts of the born again SAINTS Israel. Hebrews 10:16
        I suggest this needs some work. TRULY a RIGHTEOUS person has no need for a LAW. But as you have rightly pointed out, “Israel in the FLESH must be born again and grafted into born again Israel. Romans 11: 11-33 is the ONLY way of salvation” …. Our brothers and sisters must AWAKEN! All intended to do so WILL! BUT … many times what awakes them is the realization that they are WICKED … UNRIGHTEOUS … unlawful to their Creator’s wishes and NEED TO BE REDEEMED from their evil they did. There is a good lawful use of the LAW.

        You hopefully would agree, the law is good IF USED LAWFULLY?? Moses’ law was NOT his, but Yahweh’s. Psa 119:142  Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth. Still is. Mat_5:17  Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 1Ti 1:9  Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the un-Yahweh-like and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 
        1Ti 1:10  For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; 
        1Ti 1:11  According to the glorious gospel of the blessed Yahweh, which was committed to my trust.

        Notice “SOUND DOCTRINE” is set by the LAW … still … “ACCORDING TO THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL …”
        The sun cult pagan churches have “another gospel”.

        Rom 3:10  As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 
        Rom 3:11  There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after Yahweh. 
        Rom 3:12  They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. 
        Rom 3:13  Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: 
        Rom 3:14  Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: 
        Rom 3:15  Their feet are swift to shed blood: 
        Rom 3:16  Destruction and misery are in their ways: 
        Rom 3:17  And the way of peace have they not known: 
        Rom 3:18  There is no fear of Yahweh before their eyes. 
        Rom 3:19  Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: [i.e. UNDER THE PENALTY OF BREAKING IT … DEATH] that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before Yahweh. 
        Rom 3:20  Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. 

        NO TORAH = NO MOUTH MAY BE STOPPED … NO ONE WOULD BE GUILTY … NO ONE WOULD NEED SALVATION! BUT … our salvation is NOT BY observance of ANY laws. Those laws simply show what sin is. It points us to the realization of the NEED FOR REDEMPTION! 1Jn 3:4  Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. … Even today.

        Things were ADDED because the Spirit did not infill the people to the same degree, nor way, as in the current New Covenant. This was INTENDED to point to the NEED FOR A MESSIAH I suggest. In there hatred some even ALTERED the law of Yahweh, Jer. 8:8. Even the ten commandments in Exodus 20:1-17 ARE ADDED!! While they are laws, the original and actual “ten commandments” are in Exodus 34. And the reason they altered this section is because, I suggest, miscegenation. See what Yahweh promised to do IF THEY KEPT THE TRUE 10 Commandments in Ex. 34, Kill the mongrel enemies of Israyl! Some mongrel scribe got in there and had a heyday with the texts. For much more detail and proof on that issue of Ex. 20:1-17 being added see

        Generally however, what was added were things like sacrifices for sin. Gal_3:19  Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. He isn’t talking about the entire law, I suggest. That Messiah came. He finished the mission intended for the Promised Messiah, which those sacrifices pointed to in the first place. BUT … THINK NOT HE CAME TO DESTROY THE LAW. Through the Holy Spirit investment into us, we are no longer in the flesh, but in the Spirit. No need for continued sacrifices … which were added because they came breaking Torah. …. YET … because it is written in the heart of True Israylite converts and never intended for the RIGHTEOUS but the UNRIGHTEOUS … there is no need for the law written in stone or paper. Also, as you said, “Yahshua died for the unintentional sins of His flock Israel.” key word being SINS when used to this point. What determines those according to “sound doctrine” as Paul said if not the LAW … Torah? Careful not to leap into situational ethics, or feel good rhetoric.

        We obey these laws through the Holy Spirit.

        Yahshua came to fulfill Moses law and the prophets. Matthew 5:17 There are still prophecies in Moses law yet to be fulfilled.

        I believe Passover has not been fully fulfilled. Yahweh’s LAMB died to give the SAINTS protection from the Angel of death. Rev. 6:8

        Agreed! The Passover information thus far IS NOT the finished fulfillment … including the death of Messiah. A bigger part is coming. VERY FEW know that … it is interesting to meet another! Paul defends this fact to those that can understand … Col 2:17  Which are a shadow of things to come …

        I believe today Yahweh is giving a GIFT to the people who are not part of Israel. Many will die without even knowing this truth. Many will die thinking “jesus christ” died for the their sins on a “cross”. The Mark of the beast is the “cross of jesus”. Yahweh let the christians ADD pagan words to the bible to keep His mysteries hidden from the world.
        Generally agreed! I should probably clarify my position however, the ‘gift’ to non-Israyl would be perhaps the blessings He is bestowing upon Israyl bleeding over to the ‘bird’ making their nest in the trees of the GREAT MOUNTAIN as it grows. Yet, Yahweh does NOT know them (non-Israyl Amos 3:2), except through the eyes of True Israyl. While most of Israyl is cursed with the “STRONG DELUSION” of christianity and the “man of sin” (Jesus Christ) for their love of unrighteousness, the promises to make Israyl a multitude of nations, and great and mighty nation Gen. 18:18, Israyl to be exceedingly fruitful, Gen. 28:14, that they would spread abroad, Gen. 28:14; Isa. 43:5-6 … etc.etc. … the non-Israylite has in centuries past and to this day received that overflow blessing Yahweh bestowed on True Israyl. Yahweh did this to fulfill His promises, … not because Israyl was righteous. Hence the strong delusion farce religion, the whore church and her daughters, the saints WILL come out of as commanded … NOT remain in them pretending to ‘convert them’. Without being holy … without being SET APART … no Israylite will see Yahweh. Non-Israyl will eat and drink the blessings of Israyl, but eventually, simply be as though they have never been, Obadyah v. 16. If you have the E-sword software go to Rev. 13:18 and click on “Vicent’s Word Studies”, (this is just an example for this is found in numerous commentaries), where he tells you the name behind the number 666 is “CHRIST”. On “ASH WEDNESDAY” the “MARK” is even clearer as the priest using his right thumb put the mark of the cross upon his deceived cursed adherents forehead. Nothing but a phallic representation of CAIN and the sin in the garden, IMO. As to the addition and alterations, true that. I find it amazing however when you watch for these things many pop off the page like a viper doing a song and dance routine. Like John 1:41, where the added a section of the passage BUT TOLD US IN THAT ADDITIONAL PHRASE their perverted “christ” is just an interpretation of the REAL MESSIAH!

        The “world” in John 3:16 is Israel.
        Agreed, IF IT IS ORIGINAL … which I doubt. But, check out Ferrar Fenton translation as he points out verses 3:16-21 ARE ADDED! He puts brackets around the entire section. Yes, the most often quoted passage in the Bible is ADDED!!

        In the country wherein I live, there might be just a FEW people who may be descendants of the Israelites. If one tells this truth in a christian church, the christian will HATE you for telling the truth.

        Well, I hope you move to some of the multitude of nations Yahweh set up for Israyl. U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, etc. I expect a cleansing program in those lands eventually. Yet, here in the southern U.S., in the State of Georgia, where slavery was once a part of the landscape before 1864, there are MANY invaders as well. Don’t think this message is agreed with here either! We have VERY FEW contacts, most of which we have agreements only on a few points. My wife, before I married her, was part of a congregation in Tennessee, supposed “messianic”, “torah observant”, “sacred namers”, “feast keepers” … anyway, my first visit was the last … they asked me to leave, so I deliberately wiped my feet on the carpet as I left. We’ve never been back. It wasn’t me … they asked me a question about the favoritism bestowed on some that work making parts of the tabernacle in the wilderness … this lead to election, Yahweh picking before the foundation of the world, and so forth … I did not even address the MONGREL mexican bastard child doing most of their teaching who had married an Israylite woman and birthed 8 mongrel MAMZER bastard children. But they KNEW where it could head as apparently the wife (this was before we married) had shared more about me than perhaps should have been to a pack of reprobates. THEY HATE THE ISRAYL MESSAGE. THEY HATE THE RACIAL ELEMENT OF THE BIBLE! Even those that think they’ve ‘come out’ … they are nearly ALL tainted with the venom of perversion. There is truly a famine in the land! Of course … they label me as the hater. REMEMBER … they are REPROBATES. 2Co_13:5  Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Yahshua Messiah is in you, except ye be reprobates?

        This world is upside down. The love we are taught is not the Love of Yahweh but of SATAN. Nearly everything I thought to be true turned out to be a great deception. I praise Yahweh for LETTING me know the truth.

        Bless you.

        Agreed! It appears you an I have walked a similar path. Just remember, regardless as to how alone it may seem, YOU’RE NOT! Yahweh has His remnant even today … and will use them perhaps even to the point of death if He so chooses.

        May He keep you strong and attentive till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of Yahweh, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Messiah:

        Don’t ‘think’ so … KNOW SO.


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