Before I explain the prophecy, learn a few things if you’re not aware.  THINK about this … the first place the erroneous term “jews” appears in a King James Bible is 2 Kings 16:6 where it is clearly shown these “jews” are AT WAR WITH ISRAYL!  Stop confusing the TWO VERY DISTINCT ENTITIES!  “Jews” and “ISRAYLITES”.  Make sure you keep the DISTINCTION in place throughout the Bible.  Adam, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, … WERE NOT “jews”.  Stop listening to idiots that claim they are.  Note that such is not some spiritual interpretation you often hear erroneously vomited out in the local churches through a misuse of Paul’s writings, but this is very much genetic and lineage, family tree, based identification.  Keep it that way.  Also, think about this … you are warned IN THE BIBLE of a conspiracy by some to pretend to be “jews” when they are not!  Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.  It’s emphatically in there twice so you’ll notice, but many white people act like “beasts”, and refuse to READ.  Don’t forget that important point.

But as to the prophecy, before you say, “I don’t believe that way.” or “My church doesn’t teach such things!” … UNDERSTAND THERE ARE THOSE THAT DO BELIEVE IT AND HAVE PLANS SET IN PLACE TO FULFILL IT.  The modern claimed “jews” actually declare they are the biblical “chosen people”, when they’re not, and can never be.  They hate the True Israylite as a result, and seek to usurp the inheritance granted to these WHITE PEOPLE since Gen. 1:28.  This includes their plans to destroy western civilization.

The biblical Adam is white, “Caucasian”.  The very word “Adam” means “to blush rosy red”, “to show blood in the face”.  Other features found in the Bible also prove this race type characteristic out.  This lineage is the starting block of the race given the dominion mandate of Gen. 1:28, i.e. the right to rule ALL.  The other races are considered “beasts” in the Bible, as the “Beasts of the Field” video brings out.  This Adamic race is created in the image of Yahweh.  As time progresses the right of rule is being traced in the Bible via lineage and eventually leads to Shem (Shemitic – as in “anti-shemitic” (tending to drop the “h”)), eventually to Abraham, then Isaac.  They were all white people, and not one “jew”.  The other children of Abraham from Hagar and Keturah, all descendents of which are mongrels today, are considered “children of the flesh” and excluded from any redemption in Romans 9.  Yes, he excludes billions from covenant relationship.

So, Isaac eventually has two sons Esau and Jacob, yet ends up giving the birthright blessings to Jacob, when Esau originally would have been given them. Yahweh’s providence was at work.  Esau married outside the “Holy Seed” lineage.  Esau despised his “birthright”, Gen. 25:34, as do most whites today, desperately anxious to aid and abet the negro, hottentot, mongol, dravidian, pygmy and mongrels, to somehow ‘prove’ how Esau-like they are – the whole “brotherhood of man” and “can’t we all just get along”, “unity”, “love”, “they’re just like us” blasphemous rhetoric.  While Esau himself was white, he married mongrels.  His offspring, or descendants, are mongrels, though often appear predominantly white, i.e. Caucasian.  Hence, the modern claimed “jew”, “We’re not white, we’re jewish!“.  The modern so called “jew” apparently has a little shemitic blood, but through ESAU … the one Yahweh declares He hates.  Yahweh “hated” Esau, Malachi 1:2-3, Romans 9:13.  While you may say, “Mongrels, so what? Doesn’t He love everyone, like the preachers tell us”?  And a blatant “NO!” is the fact.

Deut 23:2  A bastard [H4464] shall not enter into the congregation of Yahweh; …

From Strong’s Lexicon:

From an unused root mian. to alienate; a mongrel: – bastard.

Want to see other words in the Bible they hide from you that deal with such racial issues?  A few more are given in this article: 

AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH” … make sure to see the PDF file there.

For proof from the mouth of the mongrel claimed “jews” that they are from MT. Seir, home of Esau/Edom, see this article and what I highlighted.

Click to access jewish-encyclopedia-chazars.pdf

Moving on, Esau is EDOM, Genesis 36:8.

The word “EDOM” means “Red”.

“Edom is in modern Jewry -Jewish Encyclopedia”

In Genesis we see the “blessing” / curse upon ESAU-EDOM:

Gen 27:40 And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his [Jacob’s] yoke from off thy neck.

This passage is found in the Book of Jubilees with a little more detail:

Jubilees 26:33-34 Behold, apart from the dew of the land shall be your dwelling, and apart from the dew of heaven from above. And by your sword you shall live, and you will serve your brother. And it will happen when you become great [at the End of the Age], and you will remove his yoke from your neck, that then you will surely sin completely unto death, and your seed will be rooted out from under heaven.

Karl Marx letter

To see more on the total destruction of EDOM read the Book of Obadyah in the Bible, or read my article HERE Comments on Obadyah 8.

If you read the above article you know Chazars claimed their original home was Mt. Seir.  Genesis 36:8  “Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom.”  Chazars make up about 90% of what identifies as ‘jews’ today.  And before you start praising the Sepharic claimed “jews”, understand they are primarily those of the Iberian Peninsula, mixed with the Spanish, which are mixed with Moors from the Islamic invasion (think niggers and hottentots from Africa)(and “Arab” comes from the Hebrew Ereb, meaning “mongrel race”:  H6154 עֶרֶב    עֵרֶב ‛êreb    ‛ereb  ay’-reb, eh’-reb  from H6148; the web (or transverse threads of cloth); also a mixture, (or mongrel race): – Arabia, mingled people, mixed (multitude), woof.), and note the Chazar leadership of old had migrated to Spain centuries before as stated in the CHAZAR article above from The Jewish Encyclopedia.  Most of the “jews” in the Caribbean, including Cuba and Central and South America are simply mongrels from the same bowl of mud.  When Jerusalem fell in 70 A.D. and again in later times, these Edomite claimed “jews”, fled to mix with the Arabs and others to the north to mix with what would eventually be called “Chazars”.  Hence, today you see the reason the Saudi family looks just like the damned “jewish merchant”!  They’re blood brothers!  The ones that fled north just got more WHITE BLOOD mixed in, as they try to hide their identity and STEAL THE INHERITANCE!  Hence, as it suits their need, they’ll claim to be white at times, and something else at another.

You may want to read: A Short Study of ESAU-EDOM In Jewry, By Parker

Here is partly how Edomites (Esau) took control of western civilization:

The name Rothschild is often defined to mean “red shield”, yet also “red coat”, “at the Red sign” and a few other variations.  The money changer displayed a sign with a red painted six pointed hexagram, i.e. so-called “Star of David”, “Seal of Solomon”, but likely earlier in Hinduism, the “Anahata”.  While Masonry promotes the symbol within their “As above, So below” dogma, it is actually symbolic of sexual intercourse, and goes back to the exalted sex act in the garden of Eden between Eve and the agent of Satan which produced Cain. Similarly, the phallic sign of the cross being a glorification of the penis used in the same event.

Click to access a_history_of_central_banking_and_the_enslavement_of_mankind__pdfdrive_.pdf

Click to access 0388.mullins.the_.secrets.of_.the_.federal.reserve.pdf

Click to access the-creature-from-jekyll-island-griffin.pdf


EDOM means “Red”.  His name being changed from “Bauer”, Rothschild banking has been the financiers of numerous wars and by which took the yoke from their neck Jacob, i.e. True Israyl, had upon them.  The Edomite has basically accomplished the prophesied goal of ruling over True Israyl, Jacob, at this end of the age.  It won’t last, and is near its end.  The promised SYMBOLIC “great earthquake” of the seventh vial in Revelation 16 is at hand and will soon manifest with a major assault on Western civilization and yet another white DEPOPULATION event, or soon after.  Hence, the chatter concerning the “great reset” perhaps?  Expect the worst you can, for it will be a purge of biblical proportion, leaving few True Israylites alive, all of whom are white, as this site or our meager ministering efforts have warned for decades.  This will also cause major disruption and death around much of the world.  The deliberate starvation of whites in Russia and Soviet Union of years past, is likely to come to the west, as they seek to kill us off.  The claimed “jew” politicians, and “jew” ass-licking traitors, including those in the christian zionist ranks, are but fulfilling a role in a grand plan laid out in the Bible.  Again, as explained elsewhere on this site, this should be fully manifest and over by October of 2037 if our prophetic timing based upon the year of JUBILEE and other factors are accurate.  The Edomite claimed “jew” has accomplished much of their prophesied purpose except, among a few things, the culmination curse, Numbers 33:55-56.  Yahweh has put it in Edomite hands to fulfill His punishment upon True Israyl for not purging the lands of the vermin inhabitant.  It’s a sin to make covenants/agreements with non-whites.  It’s actually the first of the actual ten commandments, which are found in Exodus 34, not the implanted ones in Exodus 20.  But that’s another subject.  He’ll have them do to us what He commanded we do to them.  This may even include the puppet states of Russia and China, but the international claimed “jew” children of the Devil are behind it all, as the prophets warned.  Even after that many of you blasphemous pagans won’t listen, only to be purged soon after, if you survive the Edomite “jew” efforts to murder all whites, Luke 19:27.

Now, let me back up and explain this “claimed jew” and “jews are at war with Israyl” issue so many are confused about.  First, the term “jew” is often used to replace the accurate word, “Yahudite”.  One of the sons of Jacob is called “Yahudah”, commonly translated “Judah” to HIDE THE “sacred name” of “YAH”.  “Yahudah” was the little shit that promoted the sell of his brother Joseph into slavery.  Going further to get to the point, King David had joined all descendants of Jacob’s sons, all the families/tribes, together into one nation of “Yisrayl”, (Israyl), a national name that more accurately means “he will rule with the power of Yahweh”.  The term “Yisrael”, commonly “he will rule as God”, is an erroneous paganization coming about after the two house split after the northern kingdom had adopted the Canaanite pantheon, which eventually mingled into the text, as the prophet Yeremyah warned, Jer. 23:27, while the text was in “Paleo Hebrew” (close to Phoenician), long before it was translated into the Babylonian Chaldee “Hebrew” currently available.  “El” is the father of “Baal” in the Canaanite pantheon and therefore is additional to the texts after the two house split.  See practically any “JEDP Source Text” study.  Such is the reason you will find added passages promoting a brotherly love connection between Jacob and Esau, (Esau being hated by Yahweh specifically), but promotion of complete destruction of Esau’s lineage in others, … you’re sifting through passages some little mongrel priest ADDED hoping to postpone the inevitable.  This corruption is centuries after King David appointed his son Solomon over Israyl, and Solomon appointed his son Rehoboam.  After a tax protest during Rehoboam’s reign the nation split into two, the northern kingdom of House of Israyl and the southern kingdom of House of Judah.  2 Kings 16:6 I mentioned earlier is simply dealing with one of the wars fought between these two houses … “brothers killing brothers” type of thing.  Eventually Yahweh brought about an Assyrian invasion against BOTH House of Israyl and House of Judah.  Millions were taken into captivity and predominantly placed in areas near the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.  Only a very few Israylites remained in the original “promise land” areas.  Hence, Anna, in Luke 2:36, is a descendant of such of the tribe of Ashur, as many of the Samaritans, though often despised by the inhabitants of Jerusalem, many of whom are MONGREL ABOMINATIONS as I will explain, who looked on the Samaritans as pagans for the original departure from the faith of their ancestors whom had originally adopted the Canaanite pantheon and departed from the laws of Yahweh, are also descendants of Israylites.  Hence, the woman at the well, John 4, “our father Jacob, which gave us the well”.  Neither this woman at the well, nor Anna, are “jews”.  They are Israylites.  Those Israylites of both houses taken to the Black and Caspian Sea almost 800 years before hand, before the time of Messiah, soon after their captivity began to migrate west into all parts of Europe as is proven in the Amarna Tablets, and detailed in writings such as “Missing Links Discovered” by Raymond Capt, and others.  This migration is a prophecy fulfillment and part of scattering Israyl into the world.  Here, the multitude of nations promised to be formed from Israyl would begin to manifest and spread globally.  Hence, many of the Grecians and Romans themselves were actually Israylites.  Two different existing communications between Sparta and Jerusalem, about 100 years apart each, even claimed the relationship of such brotherhood, (See 1 Maccabees 12).  That same communication related the connection of the Romans and Lacedemonians with the “chosen race”.  Why?  How?  Well, 2 Esdras 13 tells you Israyl migrated into Europe, actually using an ancient name for Europe, “Arsareth” or “Arzareth”.  You should note that those books were REMOVED from the original King James bible in the late eighteen hundreds, along with 13 other entire books, plus certain other writings, like chapters from the Book of Daniyl.  Who would poison the mind of Israylites AGAINST writings that tell them they are Israylites if not them which say they are “jews” and are not?  Who wants to hide such important ancient history?  You should also note that these communications were written BEFORE the Edomites were unlawfully (actually impossibly) forced to convert by Jonathan (John) Hyrcanus.  When you study the prophet Isayah and Yeremyah you should note the prophecy of Israyl’s movement would be North and West of the middle east, even to the “Isles of the Sea”.  Exactly where these later writers confirm Israyl migrated to after the Assyrian captivity, confirmed even by the Armarna Tablets, as mentioned.  Perhaps you could understand the Spartan King taking 300 (480 BC) to the battle … like Gideon had taken 300 (1208 BC) in their earlier history!  Even nearer our day, the so-called Declaration of Independence of Scotland, Declaration of Arbroath, claims to be for Israylite people.  See the literature in the Heirs of the Promise article on this site for more details and literature.  The blessings of Abraham would manifest upon the world as western civilization, and the throne of David is located to this day in Europe being the throne of England.  All fulfillment of prophecy.  It is the reason the Book of Revelation is focused upon the 4th beast government of Dainyl 7, that being Rome in both her manifestations, Imperial Rome, and Papal Rome.  Israyl was in that territory and surrounding it.  The Bible message is not about what is going on in Pygmy lands in New Guinea, or Dynasties of China, per se, … because that is NOT where Israyl would be, primarily.  The whites of Germany, France, England etc … are Israylites and the very reason the banking cartels of the Ashkenazi Edomite Chazar claimed “jew” promote such wars between us over the centuries. Through Yahweh’s providence and plan, similar to the millions of “American Indians” killed off through disease and so forth upon the Europeans taking possession of lands Yahweh had promised to them, so too did such happen to much of the original inhabitant of Europe before and as Israyl migrated into the area from the Assyrian captivity.  Hence, the unexplained happenings in the Greek Dark Ages, when the region became nearly uninhabited.  Yet, a careful study of history dating back to the time of Joseph being second in command in Egypt, about 1000 years before the Assyrian captivity took place, when Israyl held the best land rights and benefits for about one hundred years around the Nile delta, Israylites were dramatically invested in the spread of civilization throughout the Mediterranean and northern European lands.  When the power structure changed in Egypt, leading to enslavement of Israyl in Egypt, many Israylites, including the ruling class, departed and went into Europe.  Scotland being named after “Scota” an “Egyptian”/ ISRAYLITE refugee queen!  This is the reason the prophet Jeremyah knew to take Zedekyah’s daughters to Ireland, to continue the throne of David, planting the kingdom seat there, as ordered in Jer. 1:9-10.

Now, back to the invasion.  So, the Assyrian invasion came down to surrounding Jerusalem and starving the inhabitants out.  But a miracle is recorded, 2 Kings 7, as the Assyrian army was put to flight, leaving part of the House of Judah stable and established.  A hundred and twenty five years or so pass and Babylon is now the force in the region and they invade and capture Jerusalem taking captive the rightful heir to the throne, Jeconyah, placing in his place a relative, Zedekyah.  Eleven years later Zedekyah rebels and Babylon invades again.  Zedekyah sees all his sons put to death, and then his eyes are put out and he eventually dies in captivity.  It is during this time that Jeremyah the prophet takes the daughters of Zedekyah to Ireland to continue the throne of David, which is the throne of Yahweh upon Earth, in those isles of the sea, which throne and heirs eventually moved to Scotland and then England.  Though descendants of David, they are not the rightful heirs of the throne, in more ways than one, though they still be fulfilling a promise from Yahweh and the prophecy concerning the continuance of David’s throne.  As a side note, Jeconyah gives birth to children during his captivity, which was actually simply living at the court of the King of Babylon, descendants of which eventually include Joseph, the physical father of Yahshua, who would become Messiah, the “rightful heir” of the throne and promised to be given the throne at the second coming, Luke 1:32.  Part of the reason the Edomite ADDED the virgin birth story, to attempt to remove the authenticity of Yahshua’s right to that throne through the patriarchal line his father Joseph held.  After the captivity in Babylon about 42,000 move back to Jerusalem.  Remember, these are predominantly House of Judah descendants.  This is where the writings and Ezra and Nehamyah spell out the fact some of these had married non-Israylite wives, polluting the “holy seed”, Ezra 9:2, and in Ezra 10:3 they are commanded by Yahweh to put away those wives AND THE MONGREL CHILDREN born in the abominable miscegenating relationship.  Hundreds of years pass and we come to the Maccabean period.  “John Hyrcanus” invades and captures Edom.  Edom is Esau.  He forces them to convert to his religion, a major sin and impossibility.  A genetic covenant cannot be given to those not of the promised genetic line.  Edom aren’t white people, but “mamzer”, mongrels, descendants of Esau, the one Yahweh hates.  But, none the less, they obtain the title “jew” and become so powerful a century or so later under the Roman government that they are the puppet government in the region for Rome.  Hence, the Herodians are “idumeans” … i.e. Edomite “jews”.  The religious leadership were also Edomite “jews”.  Not actual Yahudites.  Not actual Israylites.  These are the “of your father the devil” mongrels Yahshua the Messiah rebuked in John 8:44 and other places.  These are the “vipers”, the “whited walls”, the “full of dead men’s bones”, the vermin abominations illegally polluting the temple and perverting teachings of the Torah law of Yahweh.  These were the vermin “making void the law by their traditions”.  These are the same vermin that would translate the original Aramaic writings of the New Testament into the hellenized Greek texts, copies of which are now all that remains.  Nothing exclusively original of any old testament nor new testament writing remains.  All texts available are tainted and needs the Spirit of Yahweh to guide you through it.  Around the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 a.d. and still later with other uprisings, these vermin Edomite “jews” mingled with Arabs and went north into what would be known as Turkish territories and Chazaria.  Eventually, Chazaria converted to Talmudic Judaism and today you have the Ashkenazi claimed “jew”.  Not of Israyl, and not a true Yahudite.  Not even practicing the Torah or Yahwehism, but rather their perverted and blasphemous Talmudic Judaism.  Make sure you learn the difference lest you just manifest to be the FOOL claiming these vermin are “the chosen people”, when they’re the promised and prophesied IMPOSTERS, Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.

Disclaimer: This video covers numerous details from the perspective of its director. I contend some of the elements may be erroneous, but overall, the jewish aims and participation are completely accurate.  One point he does misdirect needing attention, imo, among several I won't mention, is Hitler's involvement in WW2.  Based upon numerous other publications, Hitler survived the war.  Being 1/4 jewish himself, he was used by the money changer Edomite Chazar claimed 'jews' to help bring about a war wherein about 80 million, many of whom were white people, were killed, much of Europe destroyed, he helped establish the claimed "jewish Homeland", paid many of them to move there, never killed 6 million jews and Australia, United Kingdom, and especially the United States, among others, were drastically indebted to the money changers.  The war cycles continue at their whim. 

Rome and Jerusalem -A Study In Jewish Nationalism by Hess (translated from German by Waxman)

So we see the past several decades have brought about most Jewish/Esau control in the world – global monetary policy, internet giants, media, Hollywood, even stolen lands and far more.  Let’s not forget the Edomite “Jew” CHAZAR ran the Soviet Union from the start, making up about 90% of those in leadership positions. Even Putin acknowledges their leadership was 80 to 85%


Murdering the Royal family, murdering whites by the millions, executing land owners.  Never forget the death and destruction such Jewish ideology has caused.  Their goal is clear:



As part of their effort to destroy Western Civilization, and the industrial might of the United States in particular, these same parasitic vermin ‘children of the devil’ Ashkenazi Chazar Edomite mongrel claimed “jews” pushed to develop another communist haven, China.  No better place for slaves in the modern age to build their “merchandise”. 

Jews & China


And we see the Georgia Guidestones demanding a population of 500 million globally, by the Rosicrucians – a Jewish controlled semi-secret society.


Psalm 83:4

4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israyl may be no more in remembrance.


Of course TRUE ISRAYL BECAME the “multitude of nations” as promised, and the “blessings of Abraham” manifest upon the world as WESTERN CIVILIZATION, as promised. All the while promised enemies … The mother of HARLOTS and her daughter churches, as well as “them that say they are Jews and are not” continually attacking and assaulting TRUTH and TRUE ISRAYL.


2 Esdras 6:9 King James Version (KJV)
9. For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth.

The Age of Jacob is about to begin. The Edomite CHAZAR pretend “Jew” is attempting a fake manifestation of this end and beginning.  They will kill off nearly every white person in the process of killing every true ISRAYLITE, as they label them “terrorists”, “white supremacists”, “anti Semitic” and so forth.  Their Noahide laws being their platform for demanded unification.  They already see themselves as the “messiah” having come.  The destruction and kill off they instigate is simply the final judgment upon their enemy.  That means you die.  Yet, in the actual end, the true ISRAYLITE remnant,  the SONS OF YAHWEH, will manifest in FULL GLORY …

1 John 3:1-2

3 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of Yahweh: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

2 Beloved, now are we the sons of Yahweh, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

The TRUE REMNANT, not those of the pagan solar cult mother harlot and daughter hordes nor those of the IsraeLIE state, will manifest soon, and RULE WITH A ROD OF IRON, BREAKING THE VESSELS OF DISHONOR IN PIECES … JOINT HEIRS with YAHSHUA, THE TRUE MESSIAH. The full manifestation of the 5th kingdom of Daniyl 2 … Is about to come to full glory.  Just not before “them that say they are Jews and are not” try their own.

Glad Tidings w THC

Age of Esau image

6 thoughts on “TRUE ISRAYL WINS THIS!

  1. Pingback: HEIRS OF THE PROMISE – A Message To True Israylites |


  3. Pingback: JEWISH RITUAL MURDER IS REAL, and has been for centuries! They tell you themselves. |

  4. Just curious, When is the last time you tried discussing these matters with a “judeo” christian? ? ?

    I must be a glutton for punishment. Yet I almost cannot stop myself from calling BS when they start spouting off their universalist crap about us all being saved by grace and oooh how wonderful it is that we’ve done all this missionary work over in Africa. Or how the law is done away with because of Christ and we are now free to eat cantankerous pork hotdogswith a side of shrimp.

    Nigger worshippers is what they are. Nothing excites them more than the idea of pandering to drooling pavement apes.

    Casting pearls before swine is a habit I really should try hard to avoid. It does no good. Yet the curious side of me almost cannot help but poke at them in total astonishment at how effective the brainwashing is. Satan has a deathgrip on these retards and he aint letting go.

    I really do believe Yahweh has chosen a very tiny handful of people to wake up during these last days, I am only astonished at how small that number is. I agree with your assertion that Israel will win, but boy oh boy are we gonna need Yahweh to do it. This is helms deep x1000 in terms of how outnumbered we are.


    • HEHEHE!
      Well, I’ve pondered the 2 Thes. 2 passage a lot …

      2Th 2:11  And for this cause Yahweh shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 
      2Th 2:12  That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

      In my understanding … Yahweh basically assigned Satan to handle the dirty work of the curse and delusion … and I see this section mainly prophesying the false messiah of the false church system. Therefore, practically everyone I know is under the “strong delusion” it speaks of, and deceived by Satan. LOL!

      2Th 2:9  … is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

      Rev 12:9  … that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:

      WHO do we really fight against when we are attempting to teach those under a Yahweh ordained CURSE to DAMN THEM??

      More dangerous than many may suspect. Likely a sin at times. It means serious business for example when:

      Tit 3:10  A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; 
      Tit 3:11  Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.

      So, what if you DON’T “REJECT” them, and keep on trying to MAKE them understand, though they be cursed from Yahweh??

      Ah … the Spirit of Phinehas is different! He didn’t go into that tent to preach a sermon about repentance …


      The creation longs for the manifestation of the Sons of Yahweh. The created will regret it, as many of the created are wicked and will be executed.

      The Bible is NOT written to niggers. There is no reason to conclude the bulk of the promises of judgment to come are not primarily focused upon the people the Bible is written to and about. WHITE PEOPLE!

      I am FULLY convinced, mainly because of fulfilled prophecy, that Yahweh has EVERY LITTLE THING PLANNED OUT in detail and He means to bring the rest of the prophecy to pass.

      Let’s keep our head up, as our redemption draws near! The remnant, small it be, will be more than enough. And if I happen to be blessed enough to be one, I can certainly only thank Yahweh for such. The walk has been very costly to me. That’s not proof my path is pure yet. I’m open to correction even yet. And, with all the doubt we can figure reaching out to others that may not be worthy … I sure am glad someone explained things to me to put me on this path. I’m gonna continue to offer what I understand to others, be open to correction myself, and trust Yahweh He will lead the ones that are supposed to know down the paths they need to be on to learn. Even if that is on the “last day”.

      HalleluYAH! The remnant WILL WIN THIS WAR! I’m not concerned about Edomite Jews, False Church Systems, Niggers or the like, as ALL will be set in order. And fairly soon, I suggest.


  5. Great point about Phinehas. I agree totally about not continuing to cast pearls before swine that are clearly not fit for the kingdom. Rend you they shall.

    I think my current strategy when meeting a new white person is to give them one chance, say my bit, and then close the door. I’ve literally risked employment doing this but when I hear them talking that nonsense I almost cant resist rebuking it. Zeal for the word of Yahweh as Jeremiah puts it.

    The conversation has always gone the exact same way with them. I let them know that salvation isn’t for anyone, that our Father came only to the lost sheep of the house of israel, and that those of what we generally call Anglo-Saxon descent or even more generally, white people, are all that remain of that category.

    They immediately start whining about all the poor souls in Africa and China and how many black people there are in their church who love Jesus and gospel music.

    Dude there are places in the united states that are so utterly ravaged by the presence of browns and blacks that they are unrecognizable. Crime through the roof. This strong delusion is really a frightening thing. It will take a literal massacre of whites 10x the scale of what happened to the French in Haiti before they start to think twice about living next to, and supporting these non Adamic animal hybrids.

    Reminds me of a quote from the famous Yuri Besminov interview- to paraphrase “Only when military boot crush their balls with they understand”


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